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Frequently Asked Questions

We strongly encourage you to join us for our next info meeting to learn more about Knox Classical School, but we hope that these answers to common questions will be helpful in the meantime. 

Admissions & Tuition

What grades are currently offered at Knox Classical School?

We opened in fall 2024 for grades K—3, and we'll enroll students in grades K—4 for the 2025—2026 school year.  Our Board of Directors is committed to adding one grade each year until we are a full K—12 school.

When do you start accepting applications for the upcoming school year?

Application dates for the upcoming school year are available on our application process page.  The first step in our application process is attending an info meeting, and you can RSVP for an upcoming info meeting here.

What is your policy regarding grade level?

Generally, students will be admitted to the grade level based on their age as of September 1.  To start kindergarten at Knox Classical School, students must be five years old as of September 1.    

How much does it cost to attend Knox Classical School?

Our heart and commitment is to do everything within our power to make this education affordable for as many families as possible, while simultaneously paying our teachers well enough that they can make a long-term commitment to our school.  Our tuition and fee numbers reflect careful planning and budgeting to ensure financial stability and that we’re providing a truly excellent comprehensive education.  Please visit our tuition & fees page for current numbers.

Do you offer tuition discounts for multiple children from one family?

We don't offer discounted tuition for multiple students from a single family, but we strive to keep tuition as affordable as possible.


What exactly is classical education, and how much of a difference does it make in day-to-day lessons?

Classical education refers to the prevailing method of educating children in democratic Greece and from the Renaissance until about 150 years ago, when educators began experimenting with modern methods that threw off traditional methods in favor of training workers for the factory—and the results on American education and morals have been disastrous.  

Classical education is a method of instruction that focuses on the instillation of virtue and humility, especially by acquainting children with the development of Western civilization.  Classical education produced some of the greatest minds our country has ever seen—including Washington, Adams, and Lincoln.  Classical Christian education recognizes that all truth is God’s truth, and so Scripture’s insight into the human condition and the created world is foundational to a classical Christian education.  

The uniqueness of classical instruction is readily apparent at the logic and rhetoric phases (traditionally grades 5-8 and 9-12, respectively), where the emphasis isn’t just knowledge for knowledge’s sake (or for the sake of a standardized test) but discernment and prudent, persuasive communication of truth.  At the grammar level (traditionally K-4), the most apparent differences are in orientation—in that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” not “self discovery” or even the world around us—and methodology, with a heavy emphasis on memorization and earnest effort to encourage a love of learning through vivid books, hands-on projects, and wide exposure to what’s good, true, and beautiful.  

If my incoming second, third, or fourth grader hasn’t been exposed to classical education, will he or she be able to succeed academically?

We believe that students from a variety of educational backgrounds—including public school, conventional private school, and homeschool—will be able to transition successfully into classical education.  Much of the foundational memory work, such as the catechism, English phonograms, and the history timeline, is revisited each year of the grammar level, so incoming students will be able to learn that information beginning in any grade.

My incoming student has never taken Latin. Will he or she be able to catch up?

Absolutely!  Our curriculum is designed to offer various "on ramps" so students who have not previously studied Latin will be able to participate fully in Latin class.

Who determines the curriculum for the school?

The Board of Directors has created a curriculum committee that recommends curricula, and the entire Board of Directors votes to approve curriculum selections.  We're blessed to have a team representing decades of collective experience in classical Christian education, and we’ve curated a set of curriculum that we believe represents some of the best of the best for you and your student.  You can find a full list of our curriculum selections on our curriculum page.

Do you use any technology in the classroom?
Students may not bring electronic devices to school. Prohibited devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, tablets, e-readers, laptops, smart watches, Fitbits, cameras, or any other device capable of accessing the Internet.  Such devices give students unfettered access to applications and content that can range from distracting to destructive. 

Teachers are permitted to use technology in the classroom for limited pedagogical purposes, such as displaying a map or illustrations.
Can Knox Classical School make accommodations for students with learning differences?

While the same grading scale would apply to all students, classical teachers are prepared to work with students with different abilities, as long as one student's needs do not dominate on-campus class time.  Because of the increased role of parents in our educational model, there is ample opportunity for a child with mild learning differences to receive extra attention at home and complete supplemental assignments, tutoring, or therapy during the at-home school days.  Students with significant learning differences or behavioral problems would probably not thrive at Knox Classical School due to the overall academic rigor and pace of instruction.  For further information, please see our Family Handbook.

Is Knox Classical School accredited, or are you planning to seek accreditation?

We will not seek accreditation by the state of Kansas, as that could require us to comply with state mandates that could compromise key elements of our mission and vision.  We’re a member of the Society for Classical Learning, which imposes standards on its members and accredits classical schools.  As we grow, we plan to seek accreditation from SCL.  


Many excellent classical Christian schools aren’t yet accredited by SCL or the Association of Classical Christian Schools, another organization that accredits classical Christian schools, and most choose not to become state accredited.  Because we’re committed to one day seeking accreditation, you can be confident that we’re committed to excellence at every level—teaching, curriculum, administration, and leadership. 

Who else is using this method of education?

Christian, classical, collaborative schools are flourishing throughout the country.  For some examples in other cities, consider:

Collaborative Approach

Are parents expected to be on campus during school days?

No, parents are not required to be on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays, but parents and siblings are be welcome to attend our morning and afternoon assemblies.  

What are parents responsible for, particularly on the at-home days?

Parents receive assignment sheets for the at-home days with exact assignments prepared by their student’s teacher.  Parents aren't responsible for any curriculum development or planning, but parents are responsible for assisting their children on at-home days and expected to take a curious, intentional, and involved approach to their children’s schoolwork.  

How much time will be required for lessons on at-home days?

The amount of time spent on assignments on Tuesdays and Thursdays will depend on many factors, including your student's age and maturity, learning style and speed, family size, and family dynamics.  Based on the experiences reported at similar classical Christian collaborative schools, the following is a rough estimate:

  • Kindergarten:  1.5 — 3.0 hours per at-home day.
  • First Grade:  2.5 — 4.0 hours per at-home day.
  • Second Grade:  3.0 — 4.5 hours per at-home day. 
  • Third Grade:  3.5 — 5.5 hours per at-home day.  
  • Fourth Grade:  4.0 — 6.0 hours per at-home day.

We reserve Friday as a "flex day" for families to spend catching up on assignments, participating in extracurricular activities, or enjoying precious time together, through fourth grade.  For more details about this weekly schedule, please see our Family Handbook.
Can our child attend Knox Classical School if both parents work outside of the home?

With careful planning and firm commitment to the school's philosophy of education, it's possible for both parents to work outside the home and for their children to thrive at Knox Classical School.  Since Monday and Wednesday are on-campus days, some teaching parents might pursue part-time work on those days.  Others might involve grandparents, relatives, or other caregivers in the at-home teaching.

At-School Days

What days are students on campus, and what days do students study at home?

Students are on campus on Mondays and Wednesdays and receive detailed assignments to complete at home with their parents on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Our curriculum is designed to leave Friday as a flex day at least through fourth grade, allowing families to catch up on assignments, pursue further enrichment activities, or simply enjoy time together as a family.  

What are the hours of the at-school days?

School is in session from 8:15am — 3:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.

What is your ideal teacher-to-student ratio?

Our goal is to keep classes limited to 12—16 students.  We believe that small class sizes allow for optimal teacher and student interaction and greatest mastery of the material.  We also hire dedicated art and music teachers, along with classroom aides to further support our teachers and students. 

Where is the campus?

We meet at Providence Community Church, 10113 Lenexa Dr, Lenexa, KS 66215.

What security measures will be in place?

We've consulted with local law enforcement officers to implement best practices for student safety.  We train parents and students on all safety measures during Parent Bootcamp and drills throughout the year.

Will you require school uniforms?

Yes, we've established a uniform policy to help students embrace their vocation as students striving toward excellence, avoid social distractions related to attire, and as a security measure so that teachers and staff can easily identify students.  We also believe that using school uniforms will ultimately save parents money.  Our full uniform policy is available in our Family Handbook.

Statement of Faith & Denominational Affiliation

Are you affiliated with a particular church or denomination?

We are not affiliated with a particular church or denomination.  As indicated by our Statement of Faith, we are rooted firmly in the Protestant tradition and maintain a posture of Reformed "catholicity."  Our founding Board members are all members of Providence Community Church, but we look forward to partnering with like-minded members of other churches to help lead Knox Classical School.  

Is your theology instruction be linked to a particular church or denomination?

No.  Our theology instruction focuses on the tenets affirmed in our Statement of Faith, and parents, as the primary individuals charged by God to raise their children in the instruction of the Lord, are responsible for any other matters of doctrine.  For further details, please see our policy regarding secondary doctrine in our Family Handbook.

Who among your board members, faculty, staff, and families seeking admission to the school must agree with your Statement of Faith?

To maintain a distinctively Christ-centered community at Knox Classical School, our board members, faculty, staff, both parents of every student, and students grades 7-12 are all required to sign a statement affirming that they agree with and abide by our Statement of Faith.