Mission & Vision
Knox Classical School empowers parents to raise their children in the instruction of the Lord by providing a comprehensive classical educational framework that trains students to explore Scripture and creation with humility, excellence, and wonder.
Our Vision
Our Students
Our students will be disciples of Christ who are being transformed by the renewing of their minds after the image of their Creator. They will love truth, goodness, and beauty; hate what is evil; and strive to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through their unique talents. They will think clearly, listen carefully, reason persuasively, and articulate precisely as they evaluate all of their experiences under the authority of Scripture. They will seek to grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, yet recognize the limits and foolishness of the wisdom of this world. They will be socially graceful and spiritually gracious with hearts for the lost and the courage to seek and dissuade those who are stumbling towards death. And they will possess all of these with humility and gratitude to God.
Our Faculty
Our faculty will be mature in Christ, growing in the knowledge of God, and desire that their own children walk rightly with the Lord. They will be professional and diligent in their work; gifted in teaching, loving their students and their subjects; and committed to partnering with parents to disciple young hearts and minds. They will understand and value classical education and skillfully implement it in their classrooms. They will be well compensated so they may make a long-term commitment to Knox Classical School and given ample professional development opportunities to excel still more.
Our Parents
Our students will be disciples of Christ who are being transformed by the renewing of their minds after the image of their Creator. They will love truth, goodness, and beauty; hate what is evil; and strive to advance the Kingdom of Heaven through their unique talents. They will think clearly, listen carefully, reason persuasively, and articulate precisely as they evaluate all of their experiences under the authority of Scripture. They will seek to grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, yet recognize the limits and foolishness of the wisdom of this world. They will be socially graceful and spiritually gracious with hearts for the lost and the courage to seek and dissuade those who are stumbling towards death. And they will possess all of these with humility and gratitude to God.
Our Community
Within our community, our school will be above reproach in our dealings and supportive of local establishments and institutions, always exhibiting integrity and grace. It will exemplify the unity of the body of Christ, develop greater fellowship and understanding among local churches, and honor our Lord in everything.