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Philosophy of Education

​Knox Classical School is opening for grades K-3 in August 2024.  Through our classical, Christian, collaborative approach, we'll seek to cultivate virtue and a love of learning in our students and empower parents to disciple their children effectively.


Our curriculum is "classical" both in methodology and content.  We use proven, time-tested teaching methods aligning with children's natural developmental stages to train children to love what is good, true, and beautiful; cultivate virtue and humility; and understand the riches of the “Great Conversation” that has shaped Western Civilization.  Our comprehensive curriculum thoroughly covers the subjects comprising a "liberal arts and sciences" education—history, geography, literature, science, math, English grammar, spelling, writing, Latin, and the arts.

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As Jesus Christ is “before all things,” “holds all things . . . together,” and has “reconciled to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven,” (Col. 1:17, 20) we believe that “knowledge of the Holy One” (Prov. 9:10) and His redemptive work through the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ is necessary to understand all of reality.  For that reason, theology governs and orients our learning in every subject as we strive to disciple students who see Christ’s preeminence in all things.

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Students enjoy the best aspects of traditional and homeschooling:  Two weekdays of on-campus learning led by professional teachers, and three weekdays of learning at home with their parents and siblings using assignments prepared by the on-campus teachers.  This approach encourages families to embrace a lifestyle of learning—and elevates parents as the God-ordained primary influences in their children’s lives—while providing the benefits, support, and structure of formal classroom instruction. 

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Why Choose Classical Christian Education?

"Indeed, you have not gathered in this place as many of the Greeks used to do, heading to their [schools] to engage in vain endeavors, but rather, you have gathered imbued with the knowledge of the true religion and liberal arts, to be able to magnify the glory of God and to be a support to your families and an honor to your homeland."

​— Theodore Beza, First Rector of the Academy of Geneva, 1559​